
PT. Gani Arta was founded at Jl. Raya Ujung Berung km 10 no. 6-8, Bandung, by the late Mr. Mukim Sunadim in 1972. Mr. Budiprawira Sunadim replaced him as the company's chairman on 1988. As the company grows, its' location became no longer sufficient. Therefore, in 1993, Mr. Budiprawira has established a second PT. Gani Arta, PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal on Jl. Raya Batujajar, Padalarang. These two companies run the same business, which are laces, specialized in knitting.

Besides this achievement, PT. Gani Arta was the first to open a true retail "factory outlet" for local market in each of the factory site, selling products direct to the market on company grounds itself. The retail shop is located at the very front of each of the factory. Currently for further efficiency, PT. Gani Arta main factory and head office has moved and merge with it's sister company in the ever changing demand in textile industry. PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal has a bigger site, able to contain all its demands from the 2 factories.

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KBRN, Banyuwangi : Tiga nelayan asal Desa Bangsring, Banyuwangi Jawa Timur, sukses menjelajahi Bali-Jawa dengan mengunakan perahu anti-tenggelam, berbahan dasar palstik buatan dalam negeri.
KBRN, Banyuwangi : Tiga nelayan asal Desa Bangsring, Banyuwangi Jawa Timur, sukses menjelajahi Bali-Jawa dengan mengunakan perahu anti-tenggelam, berbahan dasar palstik buatan dalam negeri.